(Analysis by Anand John)

Subtask 1:

The first observation we can make is that the upper right vertex of any target can only be shot by an arrow with a negative slope, and the lower right vertex can only be shot by an arrow with a positive slope. Otherwise, the arrow would go through the target. Therefore, there needs to be at least $N$ arrows of both positive and negative slopes. We can see that there are no such restrictions for the vertices on the left side of the target. Thus, the cows will always fail if and only if there are less than $N$ positive or negative slopes.

For this subtask, since the magnitude of all the slopes are the same, it doesn't matter whether a vertex on the left side of the target is shot by an arrow with negative or positive slope since the $y$-intercepts of the trajectories are within the $y$-intercepts of the trajectories of the arrows that shoot the vertices on the right side of the target. Therefore, we can now just calculate what the distance is between the furthest cows in this scenario based on assigning the positive and negative slopes as we described above. This runs in $O(N)$.

Brandon Wang's Python Implementation:

T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    N, X = (int(x) for x in input().split())
    y1s = []
    y2s = []
    x2s = []
    for _ in range(N):
        y1, y2, x2 = (int(x) for x in input().split())
    S = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
    nn = sum([x < 0 for x in S])
    s = abs(S[0])
    if nn < N or nn > 3*N:
    print(max([y2+x2*s for x2, y2 in zip(x2s, y2s)]) - min([y1-x2*s for x2, y1 in zip(x2s, y1s)]))

Subtask 2:

Now, let's look at the vertices on the left side of each target. Let's say we have two vertices with the same $x$-coordinate, and the lower one (lower $y$-coordinate) is targeted by an arrow with a positive slope, and the upper one is targeted by an arrow with a negative slope. In this case, we can see that the cow who shoots the arrow with the positive slope is below (lower $y$-coordinate) the cow with the negative slope. Now if we swap the vertices the cows are shooting at, we find that the cow with the negative slope relocates farther down the y-axis and the cow with the positive slope will relocate farther up the y-axis. This makes the cows closer together. Since our goal is to have all the cows as close together as possible, this means that if we have two vertices in such a situation, it's always beneficial to swap the cows' target vertices if we can since it may decrease the distance between the furthest cows. Since the leftmost vertices of each target share the same $x$-value, we can assign the leftmost vertices with the lowest overall $y$-values negative slopes and the rest positive slopes.

Summarizing, the slope we should have on each vertex of a target is:

We now know for each vertex whether it will be targeted by a positive slope or by a negative slope. Now, let's think of each cow as the $y$-intercept of a line and each trajectory that an arrow follows as a line. We can see that our goal is to minimize the maximum $y$-intercept of a line with a negative slope and maximize the minimum $y$-intercept of a line with a positive slope as this minimizes the range of cow positions. So, let's split this problem into a negative slope case and a positive slope case. Note that these two cases are symmetric, so we can deal with them in the same way. For the rest of the editorial, we will describe only the solution to the positive slope case.

We can notice that for any given point, the smaller the slope of the line that targets it, the higher the corresponding $y$-intercept of the line. This means that if we have two points and the $y$-intercept of the line with larger slope would be higher if it targeted the other point, it would always be better to switch which points the slopes are targeting so that it targets that point. This motivates the following greedy solution: Go through the positive slopes from greatest to least. For each slope, target the point that results in the highest corresponding $y$-intercept out of all the points that have not been targeted so far. This runs in $O(N^2)$ and passes the subtask.

Ben Qi's Python Implementation:

def solve_min(needs_pos, pos): # positive slope case
    ans = float('inf')
    for s in pos:
        best_y = (-float('inf'), -1)
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(needs_pos):
            best_y = max(best_y, (y - x * s, i))
        ans = min(ans, best_y[0])
        # Remove chosen point from further consideration
        needs_pos = needs_pos[:best_y[1]] + needs_pos[best_y[1]+1:]
    return ans
def solve_max(needs_neg, neg): # negative slope case
    return -solve_min([(x, -y) for x, y in needs_neg], [-s for s in neg])
def solve():
    N, x1 = map(int, input().split())
    with_x1 = []
    needs_pos = []
    needs_neg = []
    for _ in range(N):
        y1, y2, x2 = map(int, input().split())
        needs_pos.append((x2, y1))
        needs_neg.append((x2, y2))
    slopes = list(map(int, input().split()))
    assert len(slopes) == 4*N
    neg, pos = [], []
    for s in slopes:
        if s < 0:
    if len(neg) < N or len(pos) < N:
    for y in with_x1: # split leftmost vertices into negative and positive slopes
        if len(needs_neg) < len(neg):
            needs_neg.append((x1, y))
            needs_pos.append((x1, y))
    assert len(needs_neg) == len(neg)
    assert len(needs_pos) == len(pos)
    # solve for upper and lower bounds of range
    y_min = solve_min(needs_pos, pos)
    y_max = solve_max(needs_neg, neg)
    print(y_max - y_min)
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T): solve()

Subtask 3:

The key observation is that we can binary search on the space of $y$-intercepts to find the maximum minimum $y$-intercept. We can see that the maximum possible $y$-intercept is $\max{y}$ and the minimum possible $y$-intercept is $-\max{x}\cdot \max{s_i}$. By the constraints of the problem, this is an integer bounded between $10^9$ and $-10^{18}$ so it's possible to binary search over to find our value for a maximum minimum $y$-intercept. To check if a given minimum $y$-intercept is possible, we start by finding, for each vertex, the maximum possible slope of a line that can target it without its intersection with the y-axis going below the minimum $y$-intercept. For a single vertex, this can be done in $O(1)$ by rearranging the equation of the line: $y = mx+b$. Once we find this, we then sort these slopes from greatest to least and denote the $i$-th largest as $m_i$. Then, a given minimum $y$-intercept is only feasible if $m_i \geq p_i$ for all $i$ where $p_i$ is the $i$-th largest positive slope. Otherwise, we would have to target a vertex with a slope that would result in a $y$-intercept less than our current assumption.

In total, this algorithm runs in $O(N\log{N}\log{(\max{|Y|}+ \max{x} \cdot \max{|s_i|})})$. The $N\log{N}$ comes from the sorting needed to check the feasibility of a value in the binary search and the second term comes from the bound on the possible minimum $y$-intercepts for the binary search.

Ben Qi's Python Implementation:

def solve_min(needs_pos, pos): #positive slope case
    def ok(min_y):
        max_slope = []
        for x, y in needs_pos:
            max_slope.append((y - min_y) // x) # calculate what the max slope can be for each vertex
        return all(a <= b for a, b in zip(pos, max_slope)) # check if these slopes are possible
    min_y = min(y for x, y in needs_pos)
    hi = min_y
    lo = min_y - pos[-1] * max(x for x, y in needs_pos)
    assert ok(lo)
    while lo < hi: # binary search over minimum y-intercept
        mid = (lo + hi + 1) // 2
        if ok(mid):
            lo = mid
            hi = mid - 1
    return lo
def solve_max(needs_neg, neg): # negative slope case
    return -solve_min([(x, -y) for x, y in needs_neg], [-s for s in neg]) # convert this to a positive slope case
def solve():
    N, x1 = map(int, input().split())
    with_x1 = []
    needs_pos = []
    needs_neg = []
    for _ in range(N):
        y1, y2, x2 = map(int, input().split())
        needs_pos.append((x2, y1))
        needs_neg.append((x2, y2))
    slopes = list(map(int, input().split()))
    assert len(slopes) == 4*N
    neg, pos = [], []
    for s in slopes:
        if s < 0:
    if len(neg) < N or len(pos) < N:
    for y in with_x1: # split leftmost vertices into negative and positive slopes
        if len(needs_neg) < len(neg):
            needs_neg.append((x1, y))
            needs_pos.append((x1, y))
    assert len(needs_neg) == len(neg)
    assert len(needs_pos) == len(pos)
    # solve for upper and lower bounds of range
    y_min = solve_min(needs_pos, pos)
    y_max = solve_max(needs_neg, neg)
    print(y_max - y_min)
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T): solve()