(Analysis by Benjamin Chen)

Subtask 1 ($N \leq 15$)

A brute force approach works since the number of orders in which the trains can leave is small. Assume that the trains are sorted by time. For each train, the next train that will leave is the train with the smallest time that hasn't left yet from either from station $A$ or $B$, so this gives $O(2^N)$ orderings of trains. Given an ordering, we can simulate by minimizing the departure time of each train.

Richard Qi's implementation:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
#define sz(x) int((x).size())

ll T;
vector<ll> tim_station[2];
ll ans = 1e18;

void searchInds(int a, int b, ll leave_tim, bool leave_station, ll delay) {
    if (a == sz(tim_station[0]) && b == sz(tim_station[1])) {
        ans = min(ans, delay);

    if (a < sz(tim_station[0])) {
        if (leave_station == 0) {
            ll actual_leave = max(tim_station[0][a], leave_tim);
            searchInds(a + 1, b, actual_leave, 0,
                       delay + actual_leave - tim_station[0][a]);
        } else {
            ll actual_leave = max(tim_station[0][a], leave_tim + T);
            searchInds(a + 1, b, actual_leave, 0,
                       delay + actual_leave - tim_station[0][a]);
    if (b < sz(tim_station[1])) {
        if (leave_station == 1) {
            ll actual_leave = max(tim_station[1][b], leave_tim);
            searchInds(a, b + 1, actual_leave, 1,
                       delay + actual_leave - tim_station[1][b]);
        } else {
            ll actual_leave = max(tim_station[1][b], leave_tim + T);
            searchInds(a, b + 1, actual_leave, 1,
                       delay + actual_leave - tim_station[1][b]);

int main() {
    int N;
    cin >> N >> T;

    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
        char s;
        ll t;
        cin >> s >> t;
        tim_station[s - 'A'].push_back(t);
    sort(tim_station[0].begin(), tim_station[0].end());
    sort(tim_station[1].begin(), tim_station[1].end());

    if (sz(tim_station[0])) searchInds(1, 0, tim_station[0][0], 0, 0LL);
    if (sz(tim_station[1])) searchInds(0, 1, tim_station[1][0], 1, 0LL);
    cout << ans << "\n";

Subtask 2 ($N \leq 100$)

Let $0$ represent the left side and $1$ represent the right side of the track. Define $\texttt{departure_time}[s][i]$ to be the time the $i$th train on the $s$th side is expected to leave.

In an optimal solution, after we send a train off from one side, we can either wait to send the next train off from the same side, or we will wait $T$ time until that train reaches the other side and now we can send trains off from the other side.

We use a dp represented by $(s, a, b, t)$, which represents the minimum delay after $a$ trains have left from side $s$ and $b$ trains have left from the other side, and the current time is $t$, where we currently are considering sending off trains from the $s$th side.

A key observation is that we only have to consider $t$ in the form of $\texttt{departure_time}[s][i] + T*x$, or some multiple of $T$ after the departure time of a train. The reason being that there is no reason to wait unless we wait fully until the next train is ready to send off. Moreover, $x \leq N$ since there is no reason to switch sides more than the number of trains we have to send off. So the number of distinct $t$ is bounded by the $N^2$, giving a $O(N^4)$ dp.

From $(s, a, b, t)$, we either can transition to $(s, a+1, b, \text{max}(t, \text{time}[s][a+1]))$ by sending off the next train or $(1-s, b, a, t+T)$ by switching sides.

Subtask 3 ($N \leq 500$)

For this subtask, we can drop $t$ from our state altogether. Let $\texttt{dp}[s][a][b]$ represent the min cost of sending the $a$th train on time from side $s$ and having already sent off $b$ trains on the other side, where the $a$th train on side $s$ leaves after the $b$th train on the other side.

For transitions, we consider the next train that will be sent on time. Either we wait for the next train on side $s$, transitioning to $(s, a+1, b)$, or we will switch sides $k\leq N$ times (while sending off trains whenever possible), and then wait for the next train on that side. This gives $O(N^2)$ states with $O(N)$ transitions, giving an overall time complexity of $O(N^3)$.

Benjamin Qi's implementation (note that the DP states are indexed slightly differently than in the explanation above):

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
#define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
template <class T> using V = vector<T>;

using ll = int64_t;

const ll BIG = 1e18;

template <class T> void ckmin(T &a, T b) { a = min(a, b); }

int main() {
    int N;
    ll T;
    array<V<ll>, 2> times;
    cin >> N >> T;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        char s;
        ll t;
        cin >> s >> t;
        times[s == 'B'].push_back(t);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) sort(all(times[i]));
    V<V<array<ll, 2>>> dp(size(times[0]) + 1,
                          V<array<ll, 2>>(size(times[1]) + 1, {BIG, BIG}));
    if (size(times[0])) dp.at(1).at(0).at(0) = 0;
    if (size(times[1])) dp.at(0).at(1).at(1) = 0;
    ll ans = BIG;
    for (int i = 0; i <= size(times[0]); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j <= size(times[1]); ++j) {
            for (int side : {0, 1}) {
                if (dp.at(i).at(j).at(side) == BIG) continue;
                array<int, 2> cur{i, j};

                // check that train last sent from side is
                // the latest train sent
                assert(cur.at(side ^ 1) == 0 ||
                       times.at(side).at(cur.at(side) - 1) >
                           times.at(side ^ 1).at(cur.at(side ^ 1) - 1));

                // stay on same side
                ll val = dp.at(i).at(j).at(side);
                if (cur.at(side) < size(times.at(side)))
                    ckmin(dp.at(i + (side == 0)).at(j + (side == 1)).at(side),

                // switch sides k times
                ll t = times.at(side).at(cur.at(side) - 1);
                for (int k = 1; k <= N; ++k) {
                    t += T;
                    const int s = (side + k) & 1;
                    for (; cur.at(s) < size(times.at(s)) &&
                           times.at(s).at(cur.at(s)) <= t;
                         ++cur.at(s)) {  // send off all trains on current side
                                         // departing at time <= t
                        val += t - times.at(s).at(cur.at(s));
                    if (cur.at(s) == size(times.at(s))) {
                        if (cur.at(s ^ 1) == size(times.at(s ^ 1)))
                            ckmin(ans, val);
                    } else {
                        ckmin(dp.at(cur.at(0) + (s == 0))
                                  .at(cur.at(1) + (s == 1))
    cout << ans << "\n";

Subtask 4 ($N \leq 2000$)

This subtask allows for less efficient full solutions or $O(N^2\log N)$ to pass.

Full Solution

Notice that in the solution in subtask $3$, there is a lot of redundancy in the transitions when switching sides. Specifically, the transitions when switching sides are almost exactly the same for different values of $b$. This motivates us to define an additional dp state $\texttt{dp2}[s][a]$ as the min cost of sending the $a$th train on time from side $s$, then switching sides (and sending off all backlogged trains on the other side if possible).

From $\texttt{dp}[s][a][b]$, we either send off the next train on the same side, represented by $\texttt{dp}[s][a+1][b]$, or we decide to switch sides, which is $\texttt{dp2}[s][a]$ (we assume the $a$th train on side $s$ leaves after the $b$th train on other side, so this is valid). In this case we have $O(1)$ transitions for $O(N^2)$ states.

From $\texttt{dp2}[s][a]$, we can switch sides $k\leq N$ times (sending off trains whenever we can) until eventually deciding to wait for a train, which is some state in $\texttt{dp}$. In this case we have $O(N)$ states with $O(N)$ transitions out of them.

Overall, this dp runs in $O(N^2)$. Make sure to process dp states in increasing order of the time when the $a$th train on side $s$ leaves.

Benjamin Qi's implementation:

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
#define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
template <class T> using V = vector<T>;

using ll = int64_t;

const ll BIG = 1e18;

template <class T> void ckmin(T &a, T b) { a = min(a, b); }

int main() {
    int N;
    ll T;
    array<V<ll>, 2> times;
    cin >> N >> T;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        char s;
        ll t;
        cin >> s >> t;
        times[s == 'B'].push_back(t);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) sort(all(times[i]));
    V<V<array<ll, 2>>> dp(size(times[0]) + 1,
                          V<array<ll, 2>>(size(times[1]) + 1, {BIG, BIG}));
    if (size(times[0])) dp.at(1).at(0).at(0) = 0;
    if (size(times[1])) dp.at(0).at(1).at(1) = 0;
    array<int, 2> sent_so_far{};
    ll ans = BIG;
    auto process_all = [&](int side) {
        const int i = ++sent_so_far[side];
        ll t = times[side].at(i - 1) + T;
        ll dp2 = BIG, add = 0;
        array<int, 2> cur{i, 0};

        // transition to dp or dp2
        auto get_dp = [&](int i, int j) {
            if (side) swap(i, j);
            return dp.at(i).at(j).at(side);
        auto upd_dp = [&](int i, int j, ll v) {
            if (side) swap(i, j);
            ckmin(dp.at(i).at(j).at(side), v);
        for (int j = (int)size(times[side ^ 1]); j >= 0; --j) {
            if (j < size(times[side ^ 1]) && times[side ^ 1].at(j) <= t) {
                add += t - times[side ^ 1].at(j);
                if (cur[1] == 0) cur[1] = j + 1;
            ll v = get_dp(i, j);
            if (v != BIG) {
                assert(j == 0 ||
                       times.at(side).at(i - 1) > times.at(side ^ 1).at(j - 1));
                // stay on same side
                if (i < size(times[side])) upd_dp(i + 1, j, v);
                // or transition to dp2
                ckmin(dp2, v + add);

        // switch sides k times, transition from dp2 to dp
        if (side) swap(cur[0], cur[1]);
        for (int k = 1; k <= N; ++k, t += T) {
            const int s = (side + k) & 1;
            for (; cur.at(s) < size(times.at(s)) &&
                   times.at(s).at(cur.at(s)) <= t;
                 ++cur.at(s)) {  // send off all trains on current side
                                 // departing at time <= t
                dp2 += t - times.at(s).at(cur.at(s));
            if (cur.at(s) == size(times.at(s))) {
                if (cur.at(s ^ 1) == size(times.at(s ^ 1))) ckmin(ans, dp2);
            } else {
                    dp.at(cur.at(0) + (s == 0)).at(cur.at(1) + (s == 1)).at(s),
    // process states in increasing order of departure time
    while (sent_so_far[0] < size(times[0]) && sent_so_far[1] < size(times[1])) {
        if (times[0].at(sent_so_far[0]) < times[1].at(sent_so_far[1]))
        else process_all(1);
    for (int side : {0, 1})
        while (sent_so_far[side] < size(times[side])) process_all(side);
    cout << ans << "\n";