(Analysis by Dhruv Rohatgi )

The goal of this problem is to count the number of disjoint, non-empty subsets of cows $S, T \subset [n]$ so that there exists a horizontal or vertical line separating the cows in $S$ from the cows in $T$. By a brute force search, it's clear that we can enumerate such $S,T$ in time $O(n \cdot 3^n)$, which solves the first subtask. Of course, we would like to do better.

To get $O(n^3)$: Let's start by counting the number of ways to pick sets that admit a horizontal separation, where $S$ is to the left of $T$ (the mirror-image case is the same). We can sort the cows in lexicographical order (first by $x$-coordinate, then tie-break by $y$-coordinate). For each cow $i$, let's count the number of ways to pick the sets so that $i$ is the (lexicographically) last cow in $S$. This is exactly $2^a (2^b-1)$, where $a$ is the number of cows that come earlier in the lexicographical order, and $b$ is the number of cows with strictly larger $x$-coordinate than $i$. After sorting, we can easily compute these quantities for each cow in total time $O(n)$.

This gives us the number of ways to pick teams separated by a horizontal line, and we can of course do the same for teams separated by a vertical line. The issue (and the main difficulty of this problem) is in correcting for the double-counting: there are some pairs of teams $S, T$ that are separated by both a horizontal and a vertical line.

As before, let's specialize the problem a little. We'll start by considering the number of pairs $S,T$ so that $S$ is above and to the left of $T$ (i.e. all cows in $S$ have smaller $x$-coordinate and larger $y$-coordinate than all cows in $T$). The other cases are similar, and there is crucially no over-counting between these cases, since $S,T$ are required to be both non-empty. Fix a cow $i$ at position $(x_i,y_i)$; we would like to count the number of sets $S,T$ so that $i$ is the final cow in $S$ (by the lexicographical ordering), and all cows in $T$ have $x$-coordinate larger than $\max_{j \in S} x_j$ (which equals $x_i$) and $y$-coordinate smaller than $\min_{j \in S} y_j$ (which may be equal to $y_i$ or may be smaller).

Let's define a function $F_i$ where $F_i(y)$ is the number of sets $S,T$ so that $i$ is the final cow in $S$, and $\min_{j \in T} x_j > x_i$, and $y = \min_{j \in S} y_j > \max_{j \in T} y_j$. Ultimately we would like to compute $\sum_i \sum_y F_i(y)$.

What is $F_i(y)$? If $y > y_i$, then of course $F_i(y) = 0$. If $y = y_i$, then $F_i(y) = 2^{a_i(y)} (2^{b_i(y)}-1)$, where $a_i(y)$ is the number of cows $j$ that precede $i$ in lexicographical order and also satisfy $y_j \geq y$, and $b_i(y)$ is the number of cows $j$ with $x_j > x_i$ and $y_j < y$. And if $y < y_i$, then $F_i(y) = (2^{a_i(y)} - 2^{a_i(y+1)})(2^{b_i(y)}-1)$.

For any fixed $i$ and $y$, we can easily compute $a_i(y)$ and $b_i(y)$ in time $O(n)$ time. This lets us compute $\sum_i \sum_y F_i(y)$ in $O(n^3)$ time.

To get $O(n^2)$: We can improve the above algorithm to quadratic time by observing that for each $y$, we can compute $a_i(y)$ for all $i$ in a single sweep through the cows in lexicographical order (and similarly for $b_i(y)$).

To get $O(n \log n)$: This is somewhat harder, since we no longer have enough time to explicitly compute $F_i(y)$ for each $(i,y)$. Instead, we'll compute $\sum_i \sum_y F_i(y)$ by maintaining the function $F_i$ in a data structure as we iterate $i$ through the cows in lexicographical order, and we'll make sure that the data structure has a way of efficiently summing $F_i$ over all $y$.

Let's define $G_i(y) = 2^{a_i(y) + b_i(y)}$, $H_i(y) = 2^{a_i(y)}$ and $I_i(y) = 2^{a_i(y+1) + b_i(y)}$, so that $F_i(y) = G_i(y) - H_i(y) + H_i(y+1) - I_i(y)$; we'll separately maintain $G_i$, $H_i$, and $I_i$. The goal is to maintain each function in a (lazy update) segment tree that supports range sum queries and range ``multiply by $c$'' updates.

Indeed, this is possible. As we increase $i$, how do $G_i$, $H_i$, and $I_i$ change? Going from $i$ to $i+1$, $a_i(y)$ increases by one for each $y \leq y_i$. We can implement this with a range ``multiply by $2$'' update. If $x_i = x_{i+1}$, then $b_i$ remains unchanged. Otherwise, for each $j$ with $x_j = x_{i+1}$, $b_i(y)$ decreases by one for all $y > y_j$. We can implement this with one range ``divide by $2$'' update for each such $j$ (note that during the sweep, each $j$ causes such an update only once).

The total number of range updates is $O(n)$, and for each $i$, we can easily compute $\sum_y F_i(y)$ after performing a constant number of range sum queries for $G_i$, $H_i$, and $I_i$ on appropriate ranges. With a standard lazy segment tree, the overall time complexity is $O(n \log n)$.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 200005
#define MOD 1000000007
#define HALF (1000000008/2)
#define SEG (1<<18)

int x[MAXN];
int y[MAXN];
int cid[MAXN];
int numx[MAXN];
int numy[MAXN];
long long pow_array[MAXN];
long long zpow_array[2*MAXN+1];

int cmp(int a,int b)
	if(x[a]!=x[b]) return x[a]<x[b];
	return y[a]>y[b];

long long G[2*SEG], H[2*SEG], scaleG[2*SEG], scaleH[2*SEG]; //G = 2^{a(y) + b(y)}; H = 2^{a(y)}
long long I[2*SEG], scaleI[2*SEG]; //I = 2^{a(y+1) + b(y)}
int l[2*SEG], r[2*SEG];

void init()
	for(int i=SEG;i<2*SEG;i++)
		G[i] = H[i] = I[i] = 1;
		scaleG[i] = scaleH[i] = scaleI[i] = 0;
		l[i] = r[i] = i-SEG;
	for(int i=SEG-1;i>0;i--)
		G[i] = (G[2*i] + G[2*i+1])%MOD;
		H[i] = (H[2*i] + H[2*i+1])%MOD;
		I[i] = (I[2*i] + I[2*i+1])%MOD;
		scaleG[i] = scaleH[i] = scaleI[i] = 0;
		l[i] = l[2*i], r[i] = r[2*i+1];

void push(long long *seg, long long *scale, int i)
	if(scale[i] != 0)
		seg[i] = (seg[i] * zpow_array[MAXN+scale[i]])%MOD;
			scale[2*i] += scale[i];
			scale[2*i+1] += scale[i];
		scale[i] = 0;

int low,high,mult;

void updateLeftFast(long long *seg, long long *scale)
	int i = 1;
	if(r[i] <= high)
		scale[i] += mult;
	while(i < SEG)
		if(r[2*i] <= high)
			scale[2*i] += mult;
			i = 2*i+1;
			i = 2*i;
		i /= 2;
		seg[i] = (seg[2*i] + seg[2*i+1])%MOD;

void updateRightFast(long long *seg, long long *scale)
	int i = 1;
	if(l[i] >= low)
		scale[i] += mult;
	while(i < SEG)
		if(l[2*i+1] >= low)
			scale[2*i+1] += mult;
			i = 2*i;
			i = 2*i+1;
		i /= 2;
		seg[i] = (seg[2*i] + seg[2*i+1])%MOD;

long long getSumFast(long long *seg, long long *scale)
	int i = 1;
	long long sm = 0;
	if(r[i] <= high)
		return seg[i];
	while(i < SEG)
		if(r[2*i] <= high)
			sm = (sm + seg[2*i])%MOD;
			i = 2*i+1;
			i = 2*i;
	return sm;

long long ans;
int N;

void fix_double_counting()
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		G[y[i]+1+SEG] = (G[y[i]+1+SEG] * 2)%MOD;
		I[y[i]+1+SEG] = (I[y[i]+1+SEG] * 2)%MOD;
	for(int i=SEG+1;i<2*SEG;i++)
		G[i] = (G[i] * G[i-1])%MOD;
		I[i] = (I[i] * I[i-1])%MOD;
	for(int i=SEG-1;i>0;i--)
		G[i] = (G[2*i] + G[2*i+1])%MOD;
		I[i] = (I[2*i] + I[2*i+1])%MOD;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		if(i == 0 || x[cid[i]] > x[cid[i-1]])
			for(int j=i;j<N;j++)
				if(x[cid[j]]>x[cid[i]]) break;
				low = y[cid[j]]+1, high = N;
				mult = -1;
				updateRightFast(G, scaleG);
				updateRightFast(I, scaleI);
		low = 0, high = y[cid[i]];
		long long sumF = getSumFast(G, scaleG);
		if(y[cid[i]] > 0)
			low = 0, high = y[cid[i]] - 1;
			sumF = (sumF + MOD - getSumFast(I, scaleI))%MOD;
		low = high = 0;
		sumF = (sumF + MOD - getSumFast(H, scaleH))%MOD;
		ans = (ans + MOD - sumF)%MOD;
		low = 0, high = y[cid[i]];
		mult = 1;
		updateLeftFast(G, scaleG);
		updateLeftFast(H, scaleH);
			low = 0, high = y[cid[i]]-1;
			updateLeftFast(I, scaleI);

int main()
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		scanf("%d %d",&x[i],&y[i]);
		x[i]--, y[i]--;
		numx[x[i]]++, numy[y[i]]++;
		cid[i] = i;
	pow_array[0] = 1;
	for(int i=1;i<MAXN;i++)
		pow_array[i] = (2LL * pow_array[i-1])%MOD;
	zpow_array[MAXN] = 1;
	for(int i=MAXN+1;i<=2*MAXN;i++) zpow_array[i] = (zpow_array[i-1] * 2)%MOD;
	for(int i=MAXN-1;i>=0;i--) zpow_array[i] = (zpow_array[i+1] * HALF)%MOD;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++) // Count horizontally separable teams
		ans = (ans + pow_array[i] * (pow_array[N-i-numx[x[i]]] + MOD - 1))%MOD;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++) // Count vertically separable teams
		ans = (ans + pow_array[i] * (pow_array[N-i-numy[y[i]]] + MOD - 1))%MOD;
	fix_double_counting(); // Fix double-counting where first team is left & above second team
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		x[i] = N-1-x[i];
	fix_double_counting(); // Fix double-counting where first team is right & above second team
	ans = (ans * 2)%MOD; // Account for red/blue symmetry