(Analysis by Dhruv Rohatgi and Bruce Merry)

In this problem, we are given a tree. For each node, we are asked to calculate the minimum number of farmers needed to catch Bessie should she start at that node.

To solve the gold version of this problem (where we are given a fixed starting node for Bessie), it suffices to make the following observation: the number of farmers needed to catch Bessie is the number of nodes which are at least as close to a leaf as to Bessie's starting location, but whose parents are closer to Bessie's starting location than to any leaf. For a justification of this criterion, see the editorial for the gold version of this problem.

To solve the platinum version with only this observation, we would have to make $O(N)$ depth-first searches, a constant number for each possible starting location. This yields an $O(N^2)$ algorithm, which is not fast enough. To improve our running time, several approaches can be employed.

Fix some starting node $u$ for Bessie. Let $S_u$ be the set of nodes which are at least as close to a leaf as to the starting node. Then $S_u$ is the union of several disjoint subtrees, and the number of farmers needed is exactly the number of subtrees comprising the set. Unless $u$ is a leaf, there will be multiple subtrees.

Consider any proper subtree of the whole tree; suppose it has $k$ nodes. Then the sum of degrees of all $k$ nodes is $2k-1$, since $k-1$ edges are counted twice and one edge is counted once. Hence the sum over all nodes $v$ in the subtree of $2 - \text{deg}(v)$ is exactly $1$.

The above diversion implies that the number of subtrees comprising $S_u$ is

$$\sum_{v \in S_u} (2 - \text{deg}(v)).$$

Now we seek to maintain the set $S_u$, along with the above sum, as we vary $u$. Fix some arbitrary node to be the "initial" $u$. Every node has some distance-to-nearest-leaf and some distance-to-$u$, and is in the set $S_u$ if and only if the difference between distances is at most $0$. Suppose we depth-first search, changing $u$ as we go. When we traverse an edge from a parent to a child node, the differences of all nodes in the subtree increase by $1$, and the differences of all other nodes in the tree decrease by $1$. When we traverse the same edge in the opposite direction, the opposite happens.

Throughout the depth-first search, we want to maintain a weighted sum over all nodes with nonpositive differences. To do so, we use the following data structure. Compute the inorder traversal of the tree, and divide it into $\sqrt{N}$ blocks. For each block, maintain a Binary Indexed Tree in which a node with weight $w = 2 - \text{deg}(v)$ and difference $d$ contributes $w$ to index $d$ of the BIT.

A subtree corresponds to a range in the inorder traversal. Given an update range, for each block contained entirely within the range, lazily update a counter. For the two blocks cut by the range, rebuild the BITs entirely. And to handle a summation query on the whole data structure, query each block's BIT for a partial sum, taking into account the lazy counter. The complexity of both updates and queries is $O(\sqrt{N} \log N)$. Over the course of the depth-first search we make $O(N)$ updates and queries, yielding an overall time complexity of $O(N \sqrt{N} \log N)$.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define MAXN 70500
#define BSIZE 141
#define MAX_BLOCKS 500

vector<int> edges[MAXN];
int distLeaf[MAXN];
int distStart[MAXN];
int startLoc[MAXN], endLoc[MAXN];
int C;

void dfsDistances(int i,int par)
	distLeaf[i] = MAXN + 1;
	if(par != -1)
		distStart[i] = 1 + distStart[par];
		distStart[i] = 0;
	for(int j=0;j<edges[i].size();j++)
		if(par != edges[i][j])
			distLeaf[i] = min(distLeaf[i], 1 + distLeaf[edges[i][j]]);
		distLeaf[i] = 0;

void dfsDistances2(int i,int par)
		distLeaf[i] = min(distLeaf[i],distLeaf[par]+1);
	for(int j=0;j<edges[i].size();j++)

void dfsOrder(int i,int par)
	startLoc[i] = C++;
	for(int j=0;j<edges[i].size();j++)
	endLoc[i] = C-1;

int val[MAXN],key[MAXN];
int lazy[MAX_BLOCKS];
int overallLazy;

void update(int block,int i,int d)
		T[block][i] += d;
long long getSum(int block,int i)
	long long c = 0;
		c += T[block][i];
	return c;

void unbuildBlock(int b,int x,int y)
	for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)

void rebuildBlock(int b,int x,int y)
	for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)

void updateKey(int low,int high,int dif)
	int ilow = low;
	int ihigh = high;
	int blockLow = low/BSIZE;
	int blockHigh = high/BSIZE;
	if(blockLow == blockHigh)
			key[low++] += dif;
	unbuildBlock(blockLow,ilow,BSIZE*(ilow/BSIZE) + BSIZE-1);
	while(low != (blockLow+1)*BSIZE)
		key[low++] += dif;
	while(high != blockHigh*BSIZE-1)
		key[high--] += dif;
	rebuildBlock(blockLow,ilow,BSIZE*(ilow/BSIZE) + BSIZE-1);
	for(int b=blockLow+1;b<blockHigh;b++)
		lazy[b] += dif;

long long getTotalSum()
	long long sm = 0;
	for(int b=0;b<MAX_BLOCKS;b++)
		sm += getSum(b,MAXN-lazy[b]-overallLazy);
	return sm;

int ans[MAXN];
int N;

void dfs(int i,int par)
	ans[i] = getTotalSum();
	for(int j=0;j<edges[i].size();j++)
			updateKey(startLoc[edges[i][j]], endLoc[edges[i][j]], 2);
			updateKey(startLoc[edges[i][j]], endLoc[edges[i][j]], -2);

int main()
	int a,b;
	cin >> N;
	for(int i=1;i<N;i++)
		cin >> a >> b;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
		val[startLoc[i]] = 2 - (int)edges[i].size();
		key[startLoc[i]] = distLeaf[i] - distStart[i] + MAXN;
	for(int b=0;b<MAX_BLOCKS;b++)
	int mdif = 0;
	for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
			ans[i] = 1;
		cout << ans[i] << '\n';

Alternatively, we can use divide and conquer -- via the so-called "centroid decomposition" of a tree -- to achieve an $O(N \log N)$ running time. Bruce Merry's notes and code for this are as follows:

1. Compute the distance $L(X)$ to the nearest leaf from every node $X$; this is a two-pass DP approach requiring $O(N)$ time.

2. Find the centroid $C$ of the graph. We will make some precomputations that allow us to find the terms in the sum where $B$ and $X$ are in different subtrees. Let $d(X)$ be the depth of $X$ when $C$ is the root (which we precompute for all $X$). Consider one subtree $S$. For every node $X$ in $S$, it contributes to the sum iff $d(B) >= L(X) - d(X)$. Thus for each $X$, we can add $2-deg(X)$ to a table at index $L(X) - d(X)$, then take a prefix sum of this table to get a table of the $S$ indexed by $d(B)$. Note that the indices in this table can be large, but the range (max-min) is $O(|S|)$, so total storage remains $O(N)$. Since $C$ may have many subtrees, we also store the sum of these tables across all subtrees $S$, which allows us to find the contribution for some $B$ given only $d(B)$ and knowing which subtree contains $B$ (so that it can be subtracted out, as we started with the assumption that $X$ and $B$ are in different subtrees).

3. Recursively apply step 2 in a centroid decomposition.

Each query now requires $O(1)$ time per ancestor in the centroid decomposition tree, for $O(\log N)$ in total.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef pair<int, int> pii;
#define RA(x) begin(x), end(x)
#define SZ(x) ((x).size())

template<class T> T gcd(T a, T b) { return b ? gcd(b, a % b) : a; }

class table
    vi values;

    int lo = 0, hi = 0;
    int expr = 0;

    int operator[](int idx) const
        if (idx < lo)
            return 0;
        else if (idx >= hi)
            return expr;
            return values[idx - lo];

    void incr(int idx, int delta)
        if (lo == hi)
            lo = idx;
            hi = idx + 1;
        while (idx >= hi)
        if (idx < lo)
            int nlo = min(2 * lo - hi, idx);
            vi values2(hi - nlo);
            copy(RA(values), values2.begin() + (lo - nlo));
            values = move(values2);
            lo = nlo;
        values[idx - lo] += delta;

    void psum()
        for (int i = 1; i < SZ(values); i++)
            values[i] += values[i - 1];
        expr = values.empty() ? 0 : values.back();

struct node
    vi edges;
    int nleaf = INT_MAX / 2;
    int size;
    bool used = false;
    vi depth;

    int ctop;
    int cparent;
    int cpid;
    vector<table> freq;
    table freqs;

static vector<node> nodes;

static int nleaf_down(int cur, int parent)
    node &n = nodes[cur];
    for (int v : n.edges)
        if (v != parent)
            n.nleaf = min(n.nleaf, nleaf_down(v, cur) + 1);
    if (SZ(n.edges) == 1)
        n.nleaf = 0;
    return n.nleaf;

static void nleaf_up(int cur, int parent, int pleaf)
    node &n = nodes[cur];
    n.nleaf = min(n.nleaf, pleaf + 1);
    for (int v : n.edges)
        if (v != parent)
            nleaf_up(v, cur, n.nleaf);

static int make_size(int cur, int parent)
    node &n = nodes[cur];
    n.size = 1;
    for (int v : n.edges)
        if (v != parent && !nodes[v].used)
            n.size += make_size(v, cur);
    return n.size;

static int find_centroid(int cur, int parent, int full)
    const node &n = nodes[cur];
    for (int v : n.edges)
        if (v != parent && !nodes[v].used && nodes[v].size * 2 >= full)
            return find_centroid(v, cur, full);
    return cur;

static void update_freq(table &freq, table &freq2, int cur, int parent, int depth)
    node &n = nodes[cur];
    int m = max(0, n.nleaf - depth);
    freq.incr(m, 2 - SZ(n.edges));
    freq2.incr(m, 2 - SZ(n.edges));
    for (int v : n.edges)
        if (v != parent && !nodes[v].used)
            update_freq(freq, freq2, v, cur, depth + 1);

static void decompose(int top, int cparent, int cpid)
    int full = make_size(top, -1);
    int c = find_centroid(top, -1, full);
    node &t = nodes[c];
    t.ctop = top;
    t.cparent = cparent;
    t.cpid = cpid;
    t.used = true;
    int id = 0;
    t.freqs.incr(t.nleaf, 2 - SZ(t.edges));
    for (int v : t.edges)
        if (!nodes[v].used)
            update_freq(t.freqs, t.freq.back(), v, -1, 1);
            decompose(v, c, id);

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    ifstream cin("atlarge.in");
    ofstream cout("atlarge.out");
    int N;
    cin >> N;

    for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++)
        int x, y;
        cin >> x >> y;

    nleaf_down(0, -1);
    nleaf_up(0, -1, INT_MAX / 2);

    decompose(0, -1, -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        const node &n = nodes[i];
        if (SZ(n.edges) == 1)
            cout << "1\n";
        int c = i;
        int sum = 0;
        int pid = -1;
        for (int j = SZ(n.depth) - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            const node &t = nodes[c];
            int d = n.depth[j];
            sum += t.freqs[d];
            if (pid != -1)
                sum -= t.freq[pid][d];
            pid = t.cpid;
            c = t.cparent;
        assert(c == -1);
        cout << sum << '\n';

    return 0;